displays the colors and hexadecimal codes for colors in brookings palettes.
- palette
Options are
, andmisc
- Analogous
Different shades of the same hue, or of similar hues can be used when the associated values are related.
- Contrasting
Colors on the opposite ends of the spectrum. Use Brookings Blue with Secondary colors.
- Semantic
Where applicable, use colors that are associated with certain concepts. For e.g., semantic1, semantic2, and semantic3 could show subsets of gender data (female, male and other).
- Positive & Negative
Shows pros, cons and neutral, or positive, negative and neutral data.
- Political
Use red and blue of similar intensity to represent data related to political parties in the US. Yellow in political3 and political4 represents ‘Independent’ category
- Misc
A pleasing option using Brookings Blue and accent yellow.